A picture a day from my chestnut tree part II

chestnut_2To keep the posts readable and loading time comfy I divide the series into parts. This is part two of the pictures from the chestnut tree right before my window. Have a look at what is happening from day to day and enjoy what nature is doing! This project is a work-in-progress and new pictures are added on a daily basis. Note that the pictures are not processed with filters, colour changes, sharpening or anything else. I only scale them down to fit into this post.


April, 14. Today it’s cold and windy:chestnut_0414

April, 15. Weather is cold again so there isn’t happening a lot:chestnut_0415

April, 16. Still cold but sunny:chestnut_0416

April, 17. The flowers start blooming:chestnut_0417

April, 18:chestnut_0418

April, 19. It was a little frosty during the night but luckily no damages:chestnut_0419

April, 20. The sun is out and it is warm again:chestnut_0420

April, 21:chestnut_0421

April, 22:chestnut_0422

April, 23:chestnut_0423

April, 24:chestnut_0424

April, 25:chestnut_0425

April, 26:chestnut_0426

April, 27. Today it’s warm but rainy:chestnut_0427

April, 28. A cloudy day:chestnut_0428

April, 29. Today it’s cloudy again:chestnut_0429

April, 30: The sun is back again and the tree is in full blossom now:chestnut_0430

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